Bollywood is a land of mixed faiths, but Diwali is something that everyone loves to enjoy. From Shah Rukh Khan to Amitabh Bachchan, the who's who of Bollywood look out for Diwali every year, hosting lavish parties and celebrating the festive spirit. This Diwali was no different, as we saw our beloved Bollywood stars welcoming the festival in their own manner. Here is a look at some of the best moments captured from these parties, which tell us what Diwali is all about.
10 Stunning pics that show what Diwali in Bollywood is all about
Bollywood is a land of mixed faiths, but Diwali is something that everyone loves to enjoy. From Shah Rukh Khan to Amitabh Bachchan, the who's who of Bollywood look out for Diwali every year, hosting lavish parties and celebrating the festive spirit. This Diwali was no different, as we saw our beloved Bollywood stars welcoming the festival in their own manner. Here is a look at some of the best moments captured from these parties, which tell us what Diwali is all about.
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